Sunking Pico-Plus Solar Lamp

Why to choose this solution?
The Sunking Pico-Plus Lamp is an upgraded model of the original popular model of Little Sun. It is mobile, you can take it anywhere with ease for work, study, or travel. It provides up to 72 hours of light on a single charge, which is is 5 times brighter than a kerosene lamp and has a dual charging option. You can charge the PV panel on the lamp with sun, but also from electric plug through an USD stick.
Savings per day or production:
It helps to save about 2000 Uganda shillings (USD 1) per day, compared to buying Kerosene, hence reducing on household expenditures.
Cost in money and in own time to construct:
Sunking Pico-plus solar lamp costs 30,000 Uganda shillings (USD 8).
It has a 5 year battery life. After the 5 years the battery may need replacement.
Maintenance needed:
The lamp should not be left out in rain. Put the lamp in the sunlight for charging. Needs to be stored under a dry place.
Resources needed in use:
Sunlight for charging; the panel, the LED, and the battery are all inbuilt.
Problems and limits:
The initial investment is somewhat high, which may make it inaccessible to low-income households. During the rainy season, once not charged it maynot be able to provide sufficient light.
Where and how can you get it or make it?
JEEP Folkecenter and other solar distribution outlets across the county.
Skills needed to produce, install. maintenance, use:
Production of the Sunking Pico-plus needs a technical personnel. Use and maintenance only needs a small introduction.
How to use it:
How to maintain it:
Climate effect (if any):
It is environment-friendly since there is no emission of carbon. Solarlamps run solely on natural radiation from the sun. The lamp reduces carbon emissions to the atmosphere in cases when they are used instead of kerosene lamps, hence conserving the environment. It is simple, reliable, and safe to the person operating it. It is also energy-efficient.
Where it is used and how many users are there?
Today, nearly one million people are appreciating and using the Sunking Pico-plus.
Why is it successful?
It is efficient and can be operated easily. It has contributed greatly to reduction of kerosene- and candle-related accidents and deaths in homes. It has improved health and increased productive hours, since all of the family can use it at the same time for different activities.
If you can make it, a short description, typical problems, materials needed.:
It requires a skilled and technical personnel to produce.
How to make it (if possible):
How is it delivered and by whom?
Successful financial model
Support from donor agencies and other development partners provides these lamps at a subsidized price.
What policies and strategies helped the success?
Government programs implemented by different ministries, for example the Ministry of Energy and Mineral development as well as the Ministry of Water and Environment, are conducting training of communities on the benefits of solar energy. Training and advocacy are being provided in communities to instill positive attitudes toward environmental conservation. The government, through the Ministry of Health, is encouraging promotion of solar power in off-grid, peri-urban, and rural areas. There are many solar subsidies and tax waivers, which have been put in place through the Uganda revenue authority.
More info:
Email: and
Joint Energy and Environment Projects, Uganda.
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